Public Notice – Jug Brook Culverts

Pursuant to Executive Order 11988 Floodplain Management and Federal Emergency Management Agency’s (FEMA) implementing regulations at Title 44 of the Code of Federal Regulations (CFR) Part 9, FEMA hereby provides final notice of its decision to provide Public Assistance Program funding for an action located in a floodplain. Funding would be provided through Vermont Emergency Management to the Town of Cabot to Jug Brook Road – Upper and Lower Culverts.

The proposed action is located on Jug Brook Road in Cabot, VT. The project is to upgrade the Upper Culvert and Lower Culvert to Vermont codes and standards as a permanent repair. The culverts will be upgraded from 72-inch diameter and 40-foot long to new bridge with spans of 20- feet and height of 4-feet and a span of 28-feet and an opening height of 5-feet, both will have open bottomed channels with a naturalized streambed constructed using stone fill. Work also includes demolition, excavation, and preparing the sites for the concrete footers, stem walls, and box culverts, backfill the site, armor with rock, replace the guardrail, and restore the site.

The project is within mapped special flood hazard area (100-year floodplain). The culverts will be designed as bridges to handle both the 1% annual change and 0.2% annual chance flows with additional freeboard. Avoidance and minimization measures were applied in the design of the culverts to minimize flood risks on human health, safety, and welfare. The values of the floodplain will not be altered by replacing the culverts. The grant will be conditioned for local floodplain administrator approval, CWA permitting, and permitting from VT ANR Rivers

program. A map of the area of available upon request.

The project must in be in a floodplain because the culverts relieve drainage of the roadside ditches and allow water to pass under a Jug Brook Road at a natural drainage. There are no alternate locations for replacement of the existing crossings since the culverts are functionally dependent on their current locations.

Map requests and comments about this project and potential floodplain impacts should be submitted within 15 days of the date of this publication to:

Tatianna Vassilopoulos, Environmental Compliance Review Specialist Federal Emergency Management Agency, Williston, VT

[email protected]; (202) 769-7886


Kathryn Emmitt, EHP Advisor

Federal Emergency Management Agency, Williston, VT

[email protected]; (202) 704-4633