Reappraisal: Summary of Changes in Value, and Grievance Information


2024 Change of Appraisal Due to Townwide Statistical Reappraisal

Deadline to Grieve is May 20

There are files linked below that may be helpful if you wish to view values for all taxable real estate or grieve your revised assessment.

Why Cabot needed a reappraisal this year:  The Department of Taxes evaluates the grand list by comparing appraised values with actual property sales over the past three years.  Cabot Listers maintained and updated the 2006 reappraisal for fourteen years in a relatively stable real estate market.  But by 2020, the cost of purchasing land, homes and construction materials exceeded the values set in 2006 cost tables, and Cabot contracted for a statutorily-required reappraisal.  By the time work started, we were plunged into a pandemic.  Simultaneously with our three-year sales study being analyzed for the 2020 reappraisal, home buyers were purchasing Cabot properties at prices significantly inflated by demand, influencing the ratio of selling price to appraised values almost immediately, which impacts the CLA (Common Level of Appraisal).  Bottom line: While we were compelled by law to conduct the 2020 reappraisal, we knew the values being developed would be inconsistent with sales within a year, and by 2023, Cabot’s properties were recorded in the Grand List at only 69% of fair market value (CLA of 68.87%).  The impact of that CLA hits property owners in the wallet when education tax rates are set.  While the selectboard establishes the Town’s municipal tax rate without regard to the CLA, the Education Tax Rate is calculated by using the CLA to equalize contributions across all towns to pay for school budgets.  

Example provided by Department of Taxes:  Suppose the sales-to-assessment study determined that a town’s CLA is 90%, indicating property in the town is generally listed for 90% of its fair market value, on average. If the homestead education property tax rate in the town is $1.50 (per $100 of property value) before the CLA is applied, then the actual (final) tax rate would be $1.50/.90 = $1.6667 (per $100 of property value) after the CLA is applied.  The nonhomestead rate is $1.391 (per $100 of property value) before the CLA is applied in all Vermont towns in FY24. In this example town, the actual (final) nonhomestead education property tax rate will be $1.391/.90 = $1.5456 (per $100 of property value) after the CLA is applied.  These final rates are what will appear on the property tax bills issued by the Town. The final education tax rate is set by the State, based on voted school budgets.

Homeowner options to learn more or grieve the new appraisal:

Call 802-563-3139 or email [email protected] to request:

  • Emailed “Lister Card” showing how your property is assessed
  • Mailed booklet of all taxable parcel values
  • Appointment time scheduled to grieve in person or by phone or Zoom 

Or submit the reappraisal grievance form enclosed to be received before May 20 by mail to PO Box 36, Cabot, VT 05647, by email to [email protected] or drop off at Willey Building drop box to document incorrect data you wish to grieve.  A Lister inspection may be required. 

May 20: the undersigned Listers will hear appeals of property owners aggrieved by the actions of the Listers, from whom timely grievances have been received (by May 20, 2024, 3:30 p.m. (postmarks not accepted)), until all are heard.  

Town of Cabot Board of Listers: 
Jeanne Johnson               Jacqueline Lumbra                Brittany Butler

Cabot Town Treasurer will mail Property Tax Bills no later than July.

2024 property tax payments will be due August 22, 2024, and November 21, 2024.

Property values are established by Board of Listers.  Tax rates are set by Selectboard and State.

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