Cabot Volunteer Fire Department
The Cabot Fire Department is a municipal organization established under the provisions of Chapter 20 of the Vermont Statutes Annotated to provide fire protection to the Town of Cabot. The exact date the Department was established is unknown, but Town records in Marshfield reported a fire in that Town in 1908 that required assistance from, “…the Cabot Fire Department.”
Equipment and operating expenses are paid for from the Town Budget. The Fire Department budget is a separate line item and is voted on at the Annual Town meeting. Additional funds may, on occasion, come from grants such as Homeland Security or the Rural Fire Protection Task Force.
Operation of the Fire Department, to include responding to fire calls, training, and routine maintenance is 100 percent volunteer. Cabot Fire Department members receive no pay for any of their services and time.
The men and women who volunteer are Cabot residents who joined the Department for as many reasons as there are members. But the primary reason to volunteer, train and respond-even when it’s 2 AM and 20 degrees below, is the desire to help fellow citizens of Cabot in time of need. If your are interested in becoming an active member, or just wish to help out on the administration area or checking equipment out weekly. Please contact us. We will take any time you have to donate to the community.
Dean Deasy, Chief
Please contact Andy Luce, Town Fire Warden (802-563-2723) or Walter Bothfeld, Jr., Deputy Fire Warden (802-563-2715) for a burn permit. Permits are required whenever there is no snow on the ground.
The VFD meets the 2nd Wednesday of each month at the fire station
Additional Information:
Cabot VFD Website
E-911 Address Information
Keybox Ordinance